Surveillance, Militias, and the Limits of Data: Our Top Stories from 2021

Hatemail: Intel and Insight from the LaBac Hacker Collective

Surveillance, Militias, and the Limits of Data: Our Top Stories from 2021

Hello! We’re Back From a Little Hiatus, Just in Time to Close Out the Year

2021 was… a lot. This past year we saw an attempted invasion of the U.S. Capitol, billionaires launching themselves into space, and the emergence of two new Covid-19 variants. Despite these dark moments, there has also been a fair bit of progress against a seeming dystopian landscape. We’ve also seen this year a growing national labor movement that is moving big tech away from a profit-only approach and Covid-19 vaccines were widely distributed across the globe, setting us on a path towards getting through the pandemic.

In the spirit of reflection, we’ve compiled our top hatemail posts and most-clicked featured articles from 2021. Let’s take these as tokens of what ways we can make the year 2022 better than the last. After all, it could always be worse!

Enjoy these 2021 hits, stay safe, and we’ll see you in the new year.

— The Collective

Top-Clicked Articles Linked in hatemail This Year

LaBac is a hacker collective combatting tech-enabled abuse and serves on the NYC Cyber Sexual Assault Taskforce. Learn more here.

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